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An extrovert grown up girl from a small city into a big world. I like things that relate to books, beauty, travel, and technologies. I share you here about my experiences, reviews, and self improvement. Enjoy my blog!

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On The Shore

Papuma Beach, East Java, Indonesia
This short beach vacation was a self-reflection for me. To pay attention how this destination has changed since few yea…

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favorites of the month

Seger Nusantara, Jember
Masa-masa WFH, membuatku  stay di rumah dengan sedikit hiburan. Sebagian waktu dihabiskan di depan m…
Inspirasi Resep Camilan dari Mondelez (snacks-desserts.id): Mudah bagi Pemula, Berdaya Jual untuk Usaha
Halo, teman-teman! Siapa di sini yang suka ngemil? Kalau aku dengar pertanyaan seperti itu sih otoma…
Pengalamanku Mendapat Financial Aid di Coursera
Sebagai seorang fresh graduate  yang sedang mencari pengalaman, di masa work from home ini aku berus…
[Review] Glowinc Potion Chroma+ Bright Radiant Everyday Moisturizer 5mL
No.BPOM: NA18210104099 Harga: Rp35.000,- (BEAUTYHAULINDO Tokopedia) Size: 5mL Ingredients: Aloe Barbade…